Flexibility with Deadlines and Attendance

Students are expected and encouraged to attend class and meet deadlines for assignments and tests. However, if a student has a disability with random or cyclical acute episodes that may occasionally impact the ability to attend class and complete tests or assignments at the scheduled time, flexibility in attendance/assignments may be considered an appropriate accommodation. The number of allowable absences and length of assignment extensions depends on the interactive or participatory nature of a course, or is based on department, college or accrediting agency rules. Therefore, attendance policies are set by faculty at the college or departmental level. 

DAS has created guidelines for students & faculty to help navigate this accommodation. 

Determination and Process

What does Flexibility in Attendance/Assignment Due Dates Mean?

If a student believes he/she/they will, due to a disability, miss class on occasion, miss a test specifically because of a periodic flare-up, or miss an assignment deadline specifically because of a periodic flare-up, then the student should explore reasonable accommodation options with the Department of Accessibility Services. All requests are considered individually. 

If this accommodation is approved, additional conversations with professors (initiated by the student or DAS) will be necessary to determine how to apply this accommodation to a specific course. Facilitation of this accommodation will vary by course and will not always be possible if the accommodation were to fundamentally alter the nature of the course.  

Please note: This accommodation is specifically designed to build in a slight amount of flexibility around attendance, test dates and course deadlines to specifically address the impact of a brief, periodic health or medical experience that interferes with these course activities. 

When are Flexibility in Attendance/Assignment Due Dates Appropriate?

Some disabilities are episodic in nature with random or cyclical acute episodes and as a result the disability may occasionally impact the students’ ability to attend class, complete an assignment or take an exam at the scheduled time. In cases such as these, flexibility in attendance/assignments may be considered an appropriate accommodation. 

For students who are approved for this accommodation, we encourage faculty to reflect on the role attendance plays in the design of your course. As well a basic understanding of the impact or role timing of assignments and exams play in the interactive or participatory nature of a course. 

What is the Process?

Once this accommodation is approved, DAS will explain to the student the parameters of the accommodation. The Department of Accessibility Services will work with the student and faculty to determine what accommodation is reasonable. In all circumstances, the student will still be responsible for completing all coursework. 

  • DAS will provide students with copies of the Course Agreement form to complete with instructors at the beginning of the semester if possible. Please note students may request DAS to coordinate this process by emailing their assigned DAS Accommodation Specialist.  
  • Once instructors complete the Course Agreement Forms with the student, we encourage students to schedule a meeting with their assigned DAS Accommodation Specialist to review the agreements and discuss any questions or concerns they may have. In certain courses, it may be appropriate to consider an alternative assignment, reading or project to make up for missed class discussions or projects. 
  • If the student has concerns or questions regarding what the faculty has indicated in the agreement, DAS will work with the student and faculty to resolve these through the interactive process. In order to promptly address any accommodation requests, a studentshould share any concerns immediately with their assigned DAS staff person.  

Important Information for Students and Faculty


  • Before an accommodation can be granted, it must first be requested. Faculty are not expected to provide retroactive accommodations.  
  • Students should provide the documentation supporting their accommodation request to DAS and not to the faculty.  
  • Students are strongly encouraged to notify DAS immediately if they have concerns with a Course Agreement.  
  • Students are responsible for following the faculty member’s syllabus regarding absences due to non-disability related issues. 
  • In some instances, an accommodation in attendance may not be reasonable if regular attendance is essential to the course and/or curriculum. 
  • Not every course component can be provided an extension. 
  • Students have the responsibility for completing all class work and should be held to the same standard as all other students. 


  • What is the course attendance policy? What do the course description and syllabus say? 
  • What method is used to calculate the final grade? (attendance, assignments, exams, etc.) 
  • Is the attendance policy and late work or missed exams policy applied consistently? Are there exceptions to the policy made for extenuating circumstances, such as athletic travel or religious observation? 
  • How much interaction is there between the instructor and students and among students? 
  • Do student contributions constitute a significant component of the learning process? 
  • Does the design of the course rely on student participation as a significant method for learning? Attendance and/or their assignment (project) contributions? 
  • Is there content only offered in class? 
  • To what degree does a student’s failure to attend class or do an assignment on time compromise the educational experience of other students in the class? 
  • If an accommodation is determined to be reasonable, DAS will work with Faculty and the student to clearly specify: 

1. How and when your student should inform you they will miss class. 

2. How your student will make up missed assignments and/or exams.

3. The number of absences (beyond what any student is allowed) that would be reasonable. 

4. If it is reasonable for online discussion expectations to be modified due to disability related reasons and under what conditions? 

5. If it is reasonable to extend the window for completing exams or assignments? 

Flexibility with Attendance Agreement

Flexibility with Assignment Due Dates Agreement