Training Requests

The Department of Accessibility Services (DAS) is committed to provide education, awareness, and outreach to students, staff, faculty and all affiliated Emory community members. To help us achieve this goal, we now offer an array of presentations, tabling events, programming and many other informational sessions open to the Emory community. As an office, we aim to provide these presentations to various groups on campus.

Contact DAS to schedule training


Overview of Accessibility Services

A general overview of Accessibility Services including a review of student and/or employee population demographics, common accommodations, and the process for students and/or employees to register and receive accommodations.  Specific discussion points may be added as appropriate or by request.

Accommodate: New Database

An overview of using the new database to submit accommodation requests and implementation of accommodations within the system in coordination with DAS, students, and faculty.

Accessibility and Alternative Text Formats

An overview of which students receive alternate format, how it is produces and provided, and how instructors can assist.

Resource Table (Campus Fairs, residence halls, other high traffic events)

A DAS staff member will set up a resource table at your event to answer questions about anything related to Accessibility Services.  Supplies such as office give-a-ways and brochures can be made available.

Flexibility with Attendance Agreements and Assignment Deadlines

An overview of Flexibility with Attendance process.  This session will include how to implement this accommodation, the roles and expectations of Accessibility Services, students, and faculty for agreements, how to identify essential components of a course (i.e. learning outcomes), and resources from Accessibility Services when completing the agreement form.  This meeting can be conducted with an entire department or a 1:1 session with a professor.

Ergonomics at Work

A general overview regarding the differences between disability related ergonomic needs and Emory resources for Work/Life balance. 

Disability Disclosure in the Workplace

Learn about the Americans with Disabilities Act and employment. Topics of the workshop include: Who is covered under the ADA? How to disclose? What is a reasonable accommodation? 

Inclusive Workplaces: Supervisors

Promoting a disability-friendly workplace culture… Examples include general training for supervisors on workplace accommodations.  The forum for such training may be simple, such as “Lunch & Learn”, to more sophisticated, such as DAS staff led webinars or presentations. 

Inclusive Workspaces: Employees

A general training could focus on the overview of ADA and exploration of categories of accommodations.   


If you would like a presentation about a topic that is not listed above, please indicate the “presentation request” form what you would like to learn more about.  Once submitted, Accessibility Services will be in contact to specifically cater your presentation needs.