Temporary Conditions

Temporary conditions refer to a short time period in which a person has a disability, for example, a broken leg, a surgical procedure, or a common health condition.

Some students with temporary mobility impairments due to a broken leg or surgical procedure may qualify for transportation assistance arranged through DAS. Paratransit services are available for those students, faculty and staff who qualify. Please call our office at (404) 727-9877; accessibility@emory.edu or (770) 784-4690; at Oxford so that we can provide Paratransit with the requisite information.

Other students with injuries to arms and hands may use voice input computers or other equipment. DAS has a list of software resources that can be downloaded or purchased.  Temporary health concerns of themselves, however, do not commonly constitute a disability and afford a student special accommodations facilitated through DAS.

Although students may contact DAS, those with temporary or common health conditions should discuss the need for short-term considerations with their professors. Students who believe their accommodation needs have not been met may contact DAS for assistance. 


To receive accommodations for a temporary disability, the student must submit the Student Registration Form and appropriate documentation to DAS indicating the type of disability, severity, limitations, prognosis, and estimated duration of the disabling condition. It is also helpful to know any adverse side effects caused by medication and recommendations for accommodations. The documentation should be recent enough to identify current limitations. Additional documentation may be requested to verify the need for continued services after the estimated duration of the condition has expired. 

In situations where services are needed immediately but documentation may not yet be available, DAS will make every effort to work with the student to provide accommodations.

How to Register With DAS

The documentation can be sent to us one of the following ways:

Once our office receives the paperwork an DAS staff member will contact you to set up an appointment and/or to let you know of any additional paperwork needed.

During the initial meeting the registration paperwork will be done. An DAS staff member will determine your eligibility for services and identify reasonable and appropriate accommodations.

DAS reserves the right to request additional documentation in order to support specific accommodations. If additional information is needed, DAS may determine that it is appropriate to provide temporary/provisional accommodations. Provisional accommodations will be determined based on the information that is provided.